Thursday 20 June 2013

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst...

I have wanted to go to England for a very long time now.
So incredibly thankful that my dream could become reality!

I joined Youth With A Mission--The Kings Lodge in September 2012 as support staff. Willing to do anything that needed to be done, they put me in the kitchen. God has a sense of humour. And yes, I laughed with Him.

I spent 3 months as an assistant cook, where we cooked for the students and some staff on the campus, which usually totaled 50 people. I thought this was a lot-until I took over the managing and cooking in January, where we fed about 70 people. Then the next quarter came around: April. 3 Schools running and up to 150 bellies wanting to be fed.

Needless to say, I learnt a little more about responsibility. And how to think on your feet. And how much grace I needed. I couldn't have done it without the amazing team working with me, the encouragement of those around me, and a God who gave me strength to take it one day at a time.

That kitchen, however, is one of my favorite places at the Lodge now. Between baking to-die-for Brownies, making sure there was no Gluten in the meal, ordering massive amounts of vegetables, and basically buying a cow, the time spent in that kitchen is cherished.

Worship playing in the background, while we learn some new dance moves and sing into the spatula.
Laughing at how many times we let the boiling water overflow onto the floor. (All accidental, I promise!)
Speaking into one another's life when they're not sure what the future holds.
Learning to cook foreign foods that I had never even heard of. (Some of which are now my favorite!)
Praying for allergies to be gone in Jesus' name.
Enjoying the busyness of community in the heart of the building! (I may be bias! :) )
Watching God shape hearts and minds.
Building relationships that are going to last a lifetime.
Heart to hearts. Fears. Tears. Laughter. Joy. Growth. Freedom.
I got to love and be loved in that kitchen.
In my home.
In my England.



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